Does Your Dallas Church Require Stained Glass Restoration?

Does Your Dallas Church Require Stained Glass Restoration?

As Dallas has been experiencing abnormal hail storms at the beginning of our summer months, many churches may notice that their stained glass windows are in need of repair or restoration. Whether your religious stained glass panels have small surface scratches or severe damage resulting from recent hail storms, Stained Glass Dallas can provide premium repair and restoration services. Our acclaimed restoration process can return your beautiful stained glass to its original glory, providing another century of inspiration for your congregation.

Restoration Process for Dallas Church Stained Glass Windows

We begin every restoration project with an on-site assessment of your religious stained glass windows. This allows us to better determine individual project needs, severity of stained glass damage, root issues producing deterioration, as well as an accurate project estimate. We tailor the restoration process specific to each project, ensuring successful results. Once you decide to undergo stained glass restoration, we carefully remove your stained glass windows and transport them back to our repair studio. From there your stained glass is soaked in a proprietary soap blend for up to two weeks in order to remove any impurities or dirt built up from the last century. This also allows us to disassemble your religious stained glass piece-by-piece so that we can repair or replace damaged pieces. Our stained glass artisans replicate any painted glass by hand in addition to creating all new lead came. Once restored, black cement is forced into every crack adding further reinforcement and durability.

Re-Installation of Your Dallas Church Stained Glass Windows

When your stained glass is set and polished, we return it to your Dallas church for re-installation. You and your congregation will be stunned by the luminosity, optical clarity, and beauty of your original stained glass.

Martin Faith

Martin Faith is a master craftsman, builder, and designer of stained glass windows. Martin learned the art of glassmaking while living in Scotland, where he was born and raised. He has been studying stained glass as an art form for over 30 years. When he moved to the U.S., Martin opened his own shop and started selling antique and custom stained glass windows. Martin's areas of expertise range from historic and religious stained glass to popular styles such as art nouveau, Mackintosh, floral, beveled, Greene & Green, and prairie. Over the years, his company has produced and sold over 50,000 stained glass windows to customers located in Dallas and throughout the country.

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