Stained Glass Repair And Restoration

Does Your Dallas Church Require Stained Glass Restoration?

As Dallas has been experiencing abnormal hail storms at the beginning of our summer months, many churches may notice that their stained glass windows are in need of repair or restoration. Whether your religious stained glass panels have small surface scratches or severe damage resulting from recent hail storms, Stained...


How Long Does it Take to Restore Stained Glass in Dallas Churches?

Church stained glass provides an important part of the worship process for many congregations throughout the Dallas area. As these beautiful, one-of-a-kind, antique stained glass pieces begin to reach to age of severe deterioration, it's vital to begin thinking about the restoration process. Religious stained glass restoration can be a...


3 Signs Your Dallas Home’s Stained Glass Needs Repair

How To Spot Damage In Your Dallas Home’s Stained Glass Windows The 100-year mark for much of the stained glass in Dallas and across the country is here or approaching. It is right around this time that stained glass, barring any unforeseen problems due to accidental breakage or poor craftsmanship, will...